This past weekend, yes the rainy, gray one we just had, I decided to go where I have never been before... Door County. Yes, born and raised in Wisconsin and I have never been to Door County. I left Milwaukee in the morning giving myself plenty of time to explore and wonder around the Door County peninsula. Taking the back roads north, I had so much fun exploring the many small towns of Eastern WI. The first stop was Egg Harbor, I decided to have lunch at a place called John Henry's. His bar motto is, "It is what it is," which I should definitely tell myself more often, he told me if we didn't like his food he would finish it for me. (Definitely try the onion rings - they are great.) Then I headed to a couple of great wineries, one at the intersection of A & E in Egg Harbor called Stone's Throw. I would definitely recommend the Pinot Grigio and then Orchard County where I ended up buying nearly every fruit wine known to man. I then made my way to Door County Bakery which I believe was in Ephraim. Do not leave there with out getting getting or at least trying the Corsica loaf. It is this unbelievable bread combined with olive oil, trust me try it. They will ship anywhere. I then headed to the inn that I was staying at called The Whistling Swan in Fish Creek. It is owned by the same folks that own Hinterland two doors down from me. I walked in and it was so charming. It is a small inn with 7 rooms and an amazing restaurant. I don't think I have ever slept so well. The next morning I walked across the street to the White Gull Inn, established in 1896 for breakfast. I am a historical buff so I am all over stuff like this. After breakfast, I headed back to Milwaukee again stopping at many of the towns along the coast of Wisconsin. I loved stopping at the all of the historical markers finding out about Wisconsin history. I did not know that the ice cream sundae was initially concocted in Two Rivers, WI - go figure you learn something new everyday. (pictures - top to bottom - White Gull Inn, Whistling Swan, John Henry's)